Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Try Jesus?

On Hannity and Colmes, Pastor Rick Warren made a comment to "try Jesus for sixty days". Now I am not trying to tear down Pastor Warren, but I think think that idea has basically infiltrated the modern church. Try Jesus to see if He works for you, if not, then try something else.

I do a fair amount of evangelism on the streets as well as working with teenagers in our church youth group. The biggest challenge I have is people and kids who say that they have tried Jesus and He does not work. But it is not about us and our happiness. Jesus never promised us happiness - He said to take up our cross and follow Him. He said that we will have trials and tribulations. Most of the apostles and many of the early Christians died for their faith.

I did not repent and believe the Gospel because of what it would give me. I put my trust in Christ because of what He did for me on that cross and because He is worthy to be praised regardless of what happens to me. It was not just the physical agony of dying on that cross, but the fact that He exchanged His righteousness for my sin. He bore the wrath of God that I deserved and I received His righteousness in exchange when I repented and put my trust in Him.

It is so hard to see teenagers who prayed some prayer to accept Jesus, but never trusted in Him as their Lord and Savior. They have been told that if they try Jesus, He will give them happiness and peace. Then when trials come, they get disillusioned and reject Him. They have never been shown their sinfulness in view of the Ten Commandments, and they have not been told about the judgment that is to come. Therefore, the sacrifice that Jesus made makes no sense. For more information, listen to "Hell's Best Kept Secret".

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